Technical writing samples & related work

Minae Lee

Recent writing samples

API documentation presentation

In May of 2024, I presented a talk on Web API Documentation & OpenAPI for the local chapter of the Society for Technical Communication. It included an interactive demonstration, in which attendees used cURL commands to send requests to an API server. I'm a huge believer in hands-on learning. You can read many pages about a topic, but it's when you do something with it that you truly start to understand it.

Find out more about that talk here:

Instructional coding samples

View dozens of CodePens I created to help students learn to code.

About this site + other sites

All pages on this website are entirely hand-coded by me with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with dashes of TailwindCSS and Bootstrap. I deploy the site via Netlify and GitHub.
Here's the source code on GitHub.

I've spun up other sites using a handful of other technologies like Jamstack SSGs, headless CMSs, Sphinx, Vercel, and GitHub Pages, just to learn how they work:

On technical writing

Read my technical writing book reviews.

View my personal technical writing style guide.

Why I write docs

I love words, and I love tech. I have a degree in Applied Linguistics, and I've been writing code for decades. Writing technical documentation suits my personality incredibly well. I'm highly detail-oriented and a teacher by nature, the kind of person who always wants to explain things to others; by writing docs, I get to do it productively instead of being annoying ;)

I love teaching because I love learning. I love getting new concepts and figuring things out. Manuals and documentation sites have been my lifelong friends in learning endeavors. By contributing to docs, I feel like I'm giving something tangible back.

I often think about this: As a species, where would we be if we didn't document what we know so that others can learn from it?

Skills (I can...)

  • Create new software documentation (developer documentation preferred)
  • Audit and improve existing documentation: content, structure, tooling, processes
  • Conduct subject matter expert (SME) interviews to discover and verify content
  • Produce training materials, such as workshops, exercises, and quizzes
  • Draft custom docs style guides and templates
  • Plan and manage complex projects, including coordinating others
  • Work in a dev environment with code, code editors, CLIs, etc
  • Conduct thorough user testing
  • Write and debug code snippets
  • Understand accessibility, inclusivity, UI/UX, and SEO concerns
  • Work cross-platform (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • Learn new tech quickly

Tech proficiencies


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© Minae Lee 2024
Note: The font used on this site for non-heading text is Atkinson Hyperlegible, a typeface with greater legibility and readability for low vision readers.