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Welcome to my little corner of the internet.

About me

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I'm Minae, a first-generation Korean-American currently braving the heat in the Sonoran desert. Small green saguaro cactus

Pronounce my name like Renee with an M. My pronouns are she/her.

My face

About this site

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I hand-coded this site with vanilla HTML and CSS, along with a dash of TailwindCSS and JavaScript, mixed to taste. I'm no design professional, but I like to play around and build things.

Click here to try a different site theme.

I use Netlify to deploy this site via their GitHub integration.

I've spun up other sites using a handful of other technologies like Jamstack SSGs, headless CMS, Vercel, and GitHub Pages, just to learn how they work. Check them out at:


I spend my professional life at the conflux of coding, writing, and education. I'm adept at software documentation, with a special interest in web technologies and developer documentation. As a versatile and curious generalist, I have a broad foundation in web tech from coding to UI/UX, information architecture, APIs and SDKs, accessibility concerns, databases, front-end frameworks, cloud deployment, and more. I can learn new systems and technologies fast and explain it to other people clearly.

If you have a documentation project that could use someone like me, email me or schedule a free, 30-minute discovery call via Calendly. I'm also available for general website consultation, copywriting, and editing. Very open to travel.

To learn more about my technical writing style, check out my personal guide.


  • I paint and draw from time to time.
  • I enjoy speed chess and the ancient game of Go.
  • I've had the perfect hand in cribbage. (IYKYK.)
  • I studied linguistics and philosophy in college.
  • I read and write speculative fiction.
  • I've been chronically online since 1991.

In no particular order, I also enjoy: hanging out with my love, who recently published his first novel; getting into hot (springs) water; awe-inspiring wildernesses; foraging for mushrooms (chanterelles especially); road trips and experiencing new places; trip hop, downtempo, and glitchy bass music; from-scratch cooking and baking, with particular love for the C-and-G flavors (cumin, cardamom, coriander, cinnamon, cloves, cilantro, chilis, coconut + garlic, ginger, galangal); exploring new technology; fairy tales and mythologies; thought- or wonder-provoking media; and secondhand bookstores.

Here's a bunch of music I like.
The tracks aren't in any particular order, so if you listen, feel free to shuffle the playlist.